Friday, April 27, 2012

Missouri Government: Digging A Little Deeper

Use this website to help you find the answers for the government scavanger hunt:

Go here to find out more about our state symbols. Can you tell me what the bear symbolizes in the state seal?

Check out these notable Missourians:

Use this link to find the officers that serve in each position:

Here is a link that will help you find the Missouri Representatives and Senators for our area: Type the zip code 64151-2362 into the Legislator Look-Up box on the main page to find these answers.

How Does the Government Help You?

How does your government help you?

Click HERE to read about the different programs, benefits and loans that our U.S. government provides its citizens.  Once on the site, click on Government Benefits, Grants, and Financial Aid.

Post a comment on one way that our government helps citizens and how it helps

MO Flag

A little MO flag ingot

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"I Am the Lorax I Speak For the Trees"

Today our students shared a Lorax readers theater with 2nd grade. Here are a few pictures from today's show!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Looking A Few Weeks Out

These next two weeks will be a very busy time for many of the kids of room 117. I have posted some events to help keep things organized.

April 25th Grade Parent Meeting for Jefferson City (8-8:30) 

April 30th
May 1 Hayes and Holub Classes to Jefferson City (bus leaves at 7:45, return at 6:15)
May 2 Moore and Moyer Classes to Jefferson City (bus leaves at 7:45, return at 6:15)
May 3

May 7th 4th Grade Movie Night for aution winnters. Limited spots still avaliable for $10 (4:30-6pm)
May 8 4th Grade Field Day ( in the pm)
May 9
May 10
May 11 Science Fair Projects Due to Ms. Hayes

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

....but what does it mean?

Challenge time! Using the notecard you have been given come up with 3 keywords tht represent your amendment. What words really summarize the rights that your amendment protects? Use those key words to search Google Images for 1 picture that symbolizes your amendment.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

She Says Effort, We Say 4!

 Dr. Roe sure knows how to get our mornings off to the right start! Here morning pep talks get our brains started and ready for MAP Testing. Tomorrow is our last day of testing and we can't wait!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Science Fair: Investigation Vs. Invention


A list of intersting science fair project ideas:

This site gives you a quick survey and helps you generate some test ideas:

A collection about great science fair project ideas:

A list of science fair ideas:

More Idea:


These kiddos saw a problem and figured out a way to solve it:

These girls found a prolem and solved it.

Parent Resrouces

This site is a great resource for parents looking to provide resource to their students:

Resource about the scientific method: What kinds of things inspired these kids?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Decomposition, Worms, and Castings, Oh My!

Today we rewarded ourselves for an awesome day of MAP testing, with a little hands on learning. Student got to work up close and personal with worms, castings and other food products. Thanks so much to Mrs. Kruse for lending her worms, and her worm expertise.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Rock This Test!

We Are Red-y!

We Are Red-y for Testing!

March Testing Newsletter!

Testing Themes!

In our classroom, MAP will mean MY ATTITUDE’S POSITIVE.  We want to have a positive attitude every day and to help us have a positive attitude we will have the following themes:

Monday      “RED-DAY”
April 2       We will wear red to show we are READY!!

Tuesday    “LUCKY CHARM DAY”
 April 3                We will bring our small, favorite lucky charm

Wednesday          “OUR THINKING CAPS ARE ON! DAY”
 April 4                We will wear our favorite cap

April 5                We will bring our favorite kind of gum to chew

Friday       “ENGLISH LANDING SPIRIT DAY”Weve Got Spirit!
 April 6             We will wear our English Landing spirit wear or wear red,                           white and blue
Monday      “SOCK IT TO THE TEST!”
April 9                We will wear our craziest (or mismatched) socks to     show that we are going to sock it to the MAP test tomorrow!    
 April 10              We will wear our favorite sunglasses

Wednesday          “WE THINK YOU’RE A SMARTIE”
 April 11               All Kids will receive Smarties

April 12               We will wear our favorite sports team apparel      

Friday       “SWEET”WE ARE DONE!”
April 13               We will bring our favorite candy bar to eat after recess