THANK YOU for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend Parent-Teacher Conferences.
The Park Hill School District Parent Survey which came home was due back Friday of this week. We had a 94% return rate. In the future we will continue to strive for a 100% participation rate in school activities.
Thanks to those who signed up a relative/friend for our Veteran’s Day presentation. That presentation will take place at 9:00 in our classroom on Thursday, November 11.
PTA Family Movie Night reservations were due today. “Toy Story 3” will be shown in the gym on Friday at 7:30 pm.
English Landing’s year to date daily attendance average was 97.52% with the district average being 96.17%. School attendance does count and is calculated not only at the school level, but the district level, too.
Looking into next week we continue to discuss electricity, making change and time. We look towards wrapping up these units this week.