Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 12

School Picture Retakes November 18th.

Thanks to all Veteran's who participated in the Veteran's Day celebration! Our kiddos enjoyed the experience and were able to share the things that they learned later in the day. Student's sucked up the information like sponges and I was pleased to hear the discussion that took place between them. 

Our Class with CPT Brooks and CPT Hutchison

In Science we are working with Electricity still. This will be our last week in this unit. We will be taking our Electricity assessment at the end of this week. To review we will do several more experiments. Key terms for this unit are: Parallel Circuits, Series Circuits, Open Circuits, Closed Circuits, Insulator and Conductor. 

We are beginning a new unit that will cover the first Missourians. 

In Math we continue to dive into the world of 2 digit multiplication. Students are learning a variety of ways to solve the problems. It is important that we show students a variety of ways to solve these problems, to help them understand what multiplication represents. We have worked with Standard "Old School" format, Lattice and Box Method. Ask your students to show you the difference. 

This week in Communication Arts we are going to be Starting Reader's Theatres. We will be doing several Thanksgiving plays. Reader's Theatre helps students to develop their fluency as well as their oral presenation skills. We will be presenting our Reader's Theatres on Monday November 22 at 2:20pm. If you are interested in attending please let me know so that we can plan for the event. 

Thanks so much to those who have already sent in bottle caps and volunteered! 

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