Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wall Wisher

Use this link to  share your thoughts from this year. Follow the directions after clicking the link below!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Give Mavis a Run for Her Money

It is that time of year and I think that it is time to mix things up a bit! Here is a link I would like for us to try using. Once you are done you will take a screen shot of your score and send it to me in an email! Do you're best. I know you'll do great!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Create A Graph

In case you wanted to create graph for your science fair project. Here is the link:

Friday, May 4, 2012

Ready for a Challenge

We are going to give ourselves a challenge today and use only this search engine to help us solve the morning work fact sheets. You will also be challenging yourself by only using 2-3 words in the search engine box. You can do it!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Is it worth it?

Ok....So you have gone to Jefferson City!  A pretty cool trip...Right? What if I told you that there are schools, even ones right here in Park Hill, that don't go to Jefferson City...There are people out there who think that it isn't a good use of money and that it doesn't line up with 4th grade learning topics...What if I told you that there are kids out there who will NEVER get to go to Jefferson City. They will never see the things you saw yesterday....Are they missing out? What things did you see, learn and experience yesterday, that made that trip so awesome? Can you prove that it lines up with your reporting topics? Did it help you learn something that sitting in our classroom Could not have?

Is this Jefferson City field trip worth the money?



Jefferson City Reflection

Now that you have been to Jefferson City I bet you have a lot on your mind. Please share with us what you would deem the most interesting part of the trip. Why was it interesting? What did it teach you? Why was it important for a 4th grader to learn that?

Post your comments below!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Judical Branch Help

This link will help you identify the other 3 counties that appear in the Judical Circuit 24.