Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10

What a fantastic week we have had here in room 117! This week we have finished up several old concepts and started new concepts.

In math this week we talked about the commutative and distributive property. Next week we will be taking a look at the associative property. In math we have also been working with double digit multiplication and forgiving division. Today we missed out on our math lesson, because we had counselor.

This week Mrs. Fullerton talked about cliques and how to prevent them. We did get a little dose of math from our time test.

Today our Language Arts time was mainly focused on completeing our Achieved Goals Writing Assesment. Students worked on completeing their stories. We can't wait to share them with you. Many of the students wrote about fantastic goals they reached!

We did not get around to taking our spelling test today, because of our shifted schedule, however we did manage to squeeze in our STAR Party for students who achieved their weekly goals.

Science this week has focused on the concept of Force and Motion. We have done several nifty experiements and starting Monday we will be talking about spring scales. Students may bring objects to test the spring scales.

Next week we will be starting our Lewis and Clark Webquest. We have already dabbled in some Lewis & Clark, but this will really kick off our unit!

All and all this was a phenomenal week and I look forward to the things we have planned for next week!

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