Monday, March 28, 2011

On the Move on Monday!

Today you will have several opportunities to work with other classes to review information. This morning at 9:20 we will start Math Rotations. During this time you will be going to the other 4th grade classrooms to review math concepts. 
At 12:50 we will be meeting Mr. Winklemann's class in the lab to work on building electrical circuits and reviewing terminology.


  1. I learned that a circuit will not work unless you have a source of energy.

  2. I liked how if you put a metal clip thing on a battery and a nother clip is attached on a light bulb it will light up. I just thought that was cool.

  3. Today I learned that too many batteries cant light up a lightbulb.

  4. Today I learned that cirquits have to be connected to actually make anything work.
