Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sharing thoughts on Wendesday

This week we have learned a plethora of things. Write an email to someone special to you. In the email share 1 thing that you learned new this week and 1 think that you are looking forward to in the next few weeks. Remember to CC: me and my email address is These emails will be a great way for us to look back at our writing and track our progress!

1 comment:

  1. i luv the video i got lots of info and it is very funny! the funny parts where when he said donzo! or dobble dunzo! I am having a wonderful day I hope you are too.
    love, jackie
    p.s my grandpa got shot in the war and he had to quit. I still have his uniform if mabay i could bring it. if you are wondering he didnot die he got shot on his leg. i will ask my mom and dad if i can bring it.
