Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Updates from Room 117 12/13

This week’s Updates from Room 117 is chocked full of information. This week in mathematics we will begin working with making numeric patterns and working with rate of change. Students will be bringing home a variety of items to help them practice this skill. The key piece of information we will be working to instill is that when looking for a pattern were are looking for a constant change By the end of the week we are hoping that students will be able to say I can identify and create numeric patterns.
Click here to see the requirements for meeting a 3.0 in this area.
We are shifting our focus to Social Studies this week. We are beginning our study on Missouri’s history. This week we will be working with the term westward expansion and establishing our understanding of the reason Missouri is considered the “Gateway to the West”.
Click here to see the requirements for meeting a 3.0 in this area:
Communication Arts:
This week we are taking a look at the author’s purpose. Why do authors write the pieces they do? We will be reading a series of non-fiction and folk tale pieces to develop a better understanding of what drives authors. This week’s tasks will really allow us to build on our understanding of fact vs. opinion.
Click here to see the requirements for meeting a 3.0 in this area:

Our students are also working to share their opinions with a wider audience. Last week we launched our Room 117 book review blog. Students will continue to post reviews of the books they have read. I encourage you to read your students review and leave a comment. Comments are moderated, for safety purposes, but should appear within 24 hours. This tool is aimed at getting our students to read with a purpose, practice the skill of summarizing, as well as get into the routine of proofing work to share with a global audience. Here is the link: http://booksby117.blogspot.com/
Winter Party:
Thank you to everyone who has agreed to donate items for the Winter Party and to those who continue to email offers!!  We have ALL of the items we need!  What a generous group of parents!  We look forward to seeing everyone on Dec 22nd from 10am-11am.

Thanks again!
Gretchen Rouse

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