Monday, January 23, 2012

Electricty Work

We are currently learning about electricity. This site provides information that we wll be using to compare and contrast information we are collecting.

After reading the article from our science book and reading this article. Answer two of the questions below:

1.What is one way that the articles are the same? What is one way that the articles are different?

2. What is the author's purpose of the article in our textbook? What is the author's purpose of the online article?

3. Is the online article a trustworthy resource? Justify your answer.

4. Do you think that solar energy is a good idea? Justify your answer.


  1. The online article is trustworthy because the website is and the .gov part means goverment. Which has to mean it is true because the goverment can't just say something is true. That would be lying and so on.

  2. Yes, I think solar energy is a good idea because it won't polute the air as much. The online source is very good resource because it gives you more kid friendly ways of what they are talking about.

  3. One way these articles are the same,are because the both talk about energy.
    One way these articles are different,are because the Science book, they talked about electricity.On the website, it talked about the sun

  4. One similarity in the two articles is they both talk about solar energy and different ways you can use them for electricity. One difference is the article in the book talks about electrical circiuts and the online article talks mostly about sloar energy basics. Solar energy is a good idea because it doesn't polute our enviorment and it makes electricity very usefull.

  5. I think solar energy is a good idea because if cars ran on solar engery there would be less air pollution. The air would be nice. Also we should some time make a solar oven!

  6. CM: I think that solar energy is a good idea because you could power buildings and those type of things with out cole. Then we wouldn't run out of cole.

    I think it is a trustworthy article because it istalking about real things and not just fake things.

  7. yes becues well its the only thing that lights up the whole world without it it would be darness exept when the sun comes out

  8. one way the two articles are the same is that they both talk about energy. one way they are different is that the article online talks about solar power and the one in are text book does not answer for guestion number 1

  9. Maya: I think that the solar energy is a good idea becausde that can save electricity and saves you money. I actually have a snowflake that collects the sun's energy so it can change different colors when it's dark.
    Anna: I think this article is trustworthy because well look as you see it has .gov, it's meant for kids and I think cfm is a good sign too.
    Question answered by Maya and Anna: We think they are similiar because they are both related to science;both make things work. We think the two articles are difforent because one article tells how two objects can produce energy. The other article tells about the sun can produce energy.

  10. Q2. To inform.
    Q3. Yes, because this includes hardern facts.

  11. Question #1:One way the articles are the same is they both talk about soalar energy and electricity. Question #2: The authors pupose of the online article is to inform people and persaude people to read it and use it as a online learning resource.

  12. I think solar energy is a good idea because solar energy is a natural resource.

  13. @Maya and Anna I think you are dead on with your thougth about comparing and contrasting....Actually the ending .gov stands for Government. And we know that the fact checking the government has to do to publish information is usually pretty solid.

  14. @Sista You are right we do need sun to light up the sky, but what are the pros and cons to running sometihng like a computer...or lamp on solar power?

  15. @maya and anna i think that is very true. Nice explanation!!!

  16. Q2. I know that they are to inform.
    Q3. Yes, because this includes hardern facts.

  17. @Malori I could definitely get behind solar powered cars, if we could find a way for them to generate enough energy to move. I am NOT a fan of paying 3.29/a gallon for gas...and as far as I can tell the sun is FREE!! Which is my favortie price!

  18. @Malori: I think you are sooo right. The government can't lie. Good work. you got really good info. Your Friend,

  19. @Josh That is what i thought. That if we had solar energy it wouldn't pollute the air.

  20. 2. The author's purpose of the story online is to inform you about Solar Energy. I know this because in the article it talks about what Solar Power is used for and where Solar Power comes from. The author's purpose of the article in our textbook is to inform us about electrical circuits and how they work. I know this because in the story it talks about how energy travels through electrical circuits and how electrical circuits work and operate.
    3.Yes, I think the online recourse is a trustworthy recourse because it gives facts and the website's url has .gov in it.
    4. Yes, I think that Solar Energy is a good idea because Solar Energy comes from the sun rays that reach earth and I don't believe that the sun will ever stop burning, so we will probably not ever run out of it and it is enviornmentaly healthy!
    1. One way that the two articles are different is that one of the articles talks about electrical circuits and the other article talks about Solar Energy. One way that the two articles are alike is that they are both in the topic of energy.

  21. @Malori! I love your explanation. I think what you are saying is pretty true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. @Ian Way to go. I can tell you had a lot ot share. I think you're dead right. I know that there is so much concern about running out of fossil fuels, the sun seems like a pretty good alternative.

  23. @Ian! Wow that's long! But that is really really good work. Good Job.

  24. the authors pupose is to inform you, hs point is that if theirs no electricity theirs no brightness theirs no lights the reason there different because one talks about solar changes but this one talks about solar basices.

  25. Mal, I think that solar powered cars are an excelent idea, and yes, I have to agree with Ms. Hayes, FREE is my favorite price too!

  26. maya i like your blong

  27. @Dzenan I kind of get it.

  28. 3. Is the online article a trustworthy resource? Justify your answer.

    4. Do you think that solar energy is a good idea? Justify your answer. I think the article is trustworthy because I alredy knew some facts and there the same.

  29. @Malori another thing that I love about America. Our government is honest with us!

  30. Josh, we agree. The website gives a lot of kis friendly ways to explain how solar energy works.

  31. Does anyone else sense a hing of persuasion in any of this writing?

  32. @James: James You did great. Keep up the good work. Your Classmate,

  33. @Taylor I know FREE is everyone's price.

  34. @Maya and Anna

    Great Job! I like your awnsers and I like the part about the snowflake!

  35. @Dezirea. Thanks for the compliment! Your very nice!!!

  36. The author's purpose in the textbook is to inform you so you know solar changes. The author's purpose in this online atricle is to inform you so you know the basices of solar power.

  37. Q1:They both includ energy that is a littel powerful

  38. @Josh breaking things down into kid friendly words is important, because you are the ones who need to be informed because you are the ones who will decide the future!

  39. @ Adrian

    Great job! I liked your awnsers!

  40. @malori good job i agree gov means it is a good website so you must of been paying ATTENTION!!!!YOU ROCK

  41. I think everybody did a fantastic job! keep learning and so will I.

  42. i think that science is my favorite subjuct

  43. hi great job maya and anna loved your reasons
