Thursday, February 23, 2012

Always Something Interesting in Room 117

In an attempt to meet standards and connect students with a global audience we have created a class Twitter account. This is an idea that several classrooms around the globe are launching, as a way for teachers and students to connect with real world learning opportunities. We are going to give it a try. We have had a discussion that I do not think that it is appropriate for 4th graders to have a personal account, however this is an awesome way for our class to connect with other classrooms around the world and people who are experts in their field. We will be tweeting about the events of our day, interesting videos we view and ideas that touch and inspire us. We will not be tweeting student pictures or personal info, but instead focusing on sharing information that already exists in the world. If you have a twitter account feel free to follow us @KDSof117. Please bear with us as we use this tool, to connect with information and bring real life content to our classroom.

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