Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3.6.12 Updates

We started off with a great early morning recess to celebrate 4th grades Harvester Food Drive achievement, and it only went uphill from there. Some highlights from our day :

·        Students continue to work to display their understanding of symmetry in 2 and 3 dimensional shapes. Homework is coming home tonight that will help them practice this skill. Today we introduced the idea that there is a difference between rotational symmetry and reflections. We will continue to work with this topic this week.
·        Today we continued a new set of MAP preparation groups. These groups continue to focus on building language arts skills, the same way that our math rotations are focusing on building math skills. These groups are very fluid and students will have many opportunities to get small group help to build their skills.
·        We have been playing with the figurative language this week and are building flipbooks to help share our knowledge, look for those to be coming home in a few days.
·        This afternoon we played a riveting game of Trashketball! This game gave us the opportunity to apply the figureative language skills we’ve been developing! Team Purple:  Jae, Connor M., Connor S and Maya!
·        This week we are diving into the Missouri Compromise. We will continue to read articles and develop our schema about this topic.
·        In science, later this week, we will be taking the time next week to work on utilizing the scientific method to evaluate and interact with scientific exploration.
·        Feel free to follow us on Twitter @KDSof117. We have began interacting with classrooms from around the world. Including a class from Australia, and one from the UK. We are working to take a few minutes everyday to tweet about the things we are doing, the thoughts we are having, the images we are seeing and all of the many things that make us, us!
·        Thursday are spring school pictures!

  Trashketball!                                                 Harvester’s Recess!               

A Little Out Door Reading To Wind Down!


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