Friday, January 21, 2011

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr...

" The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convience, but where he stands in times of challenge."

In our fourth grade words we think this quote says,
"The greatest way to tell what a person is like is not how they act when things are simple and comfortable, but how they act when things are hard."

This quote really shows perserverance!

Below you will find photos that we found on that we thought represented this quote.


  1. I'm very sad for the dog. It must be hard to see with just one eye. So sad. :(

  2. The dog that lost the eye was so toching because he was really sweet

  3. I love the perserverence pictures. They all mean something. [ I also love Flickr.Ecspcially the kittens]

  4. I really thought the man running in the marothon perservered because he had robotic legs and was ahead of everybody in the marothon, he must have perservered just to participate in the marothon.

  5. The man without the legs must be persevering alot. I feel bad for him since he has no legs. Poor guy! Good thing that that he's still winning.

  6. I wish someone would have moved the plant. Roots and everything! Plus, someone should picked up the trash. It's just sad to see a single plant growing next to concreat with garbage all around it!

  7. The bird walking on one leg is hard to do.
    Iwonder how that happened, i wonder how hard it is to walk on one leg. I feel really bad for that little bird

  8. how do you thik this dog feels with one eye

  9. IT must be hard growing on the side of the road and in dirty dirt.

  10. I love all the pictures that are class picked My favorite picture that are class picked was the bird with one leg because he keeped walking even though it was hard that means that if a little bird can do that then so can we i hope we get to use that website some time again that was a good lesson about PERSERVERANCE!!!!!!!!!! For the second time i love the quotes that we are figureing out. You rock Ms. Hayes!

  11. All the pictures i loved my favorite was the picture with the dog that only had one eye it really showed that the dog can show perserverance!!!!I loved the picture of the dog.

  12. dear mis.hayes i think the bird is realy persverang by walking on one leg that is realyhard

  13. I think the picture with the dog shows perseverence because it has gone through a lot and it is still alive.

  14. In the picture of the dog, it's story was so sad. It must be really hard to see with one eye.

  15. I wonder if the replaced legs will break. It would be sad if it did.

  16. Andrew and ChristianJanuary 21, 2011 at 11:37 AM

    We think this guy is being very strong because he has two fack legs and he is in a triathalon

  17. I love all of the perserverence pichers because they were touching.

  18. it must be hard for the bird towalk whith one leg.

  19. Dear Mis.hayes
    I think the bird pictur for perserverits becaue it looks very hard to walk on one lage all olon.
