Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lewis and Clark

Today Caden, Maggie, Justin, Emma and Anya preformed their Lewis and Clark research. Below you will find a clip from the presentation.

Below you will find a link to a glog created by Andrew, Kate, Timothy and Janae. This glog showcases some of the information they have learned. http://suhfnek.edu.glogster.com/glog/


  1. I thought they did a great job of sharing information! What are some things that everyone else learned?

  2. I really liked the Readers theater that i did with a great group it was so fun and cool.

  3. I think they did a great job presenting their Reader's Theatre. They were a great group and I think that they work well together.

  4. When they did there readers theaters they did a good job they had some props. To do in the readers theater.They did a GREAT job doing the play.

  5. I loved working with my group and I would love to do it again. I think we did a good job I think that is because we had a great problem solving group.

    You are AWESOME Ms. Hayes!

  6. I really like the Reader's Theater and how they did it.

  7. This post is packed with research about Lewis and Clark I think that Caden,Maggie,Justin,Emma and Anya did a realy realy good job on their clip.

  8. They did a very good job with out practicing alot.It was hysterical.We loved when Caden said,curse who ever did that.

  9. You guys did a really fantastic job it was very interstering to learn all those facts in a fun way i hope you all make anothere readers theater together

    p.s.I love how are class works well together

  10. They did a phononimal job for the presentation!

  11. I love your glog! Isaw one mistake, you put: Sacagawea had a baby 8 weeks before the expedition. it's 8 weeks after.

  12. I love the colors, finishing touches, and the information!

  13. i thoght the glog was really good and full of ideas were really cool i liked how they did it
