Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Fresh Start

As you may have noticed last night I did some maintenance to our classroom blog. I noticed that I had some things that didn't work. I also noticed that there was some information that was out dated. Hopefully the blog is now current and a resource for your to use at home and at school.

Thre are a ton of websites listed for a variety of skills. My hope it that you will start leaving comments under the activities to let me know if we like them, if we learned anything and if they were fun!


  1. i learned that..................
    You need the right amount of cords to light up the sorce of the circut.

    By:Tripp and Braden

  2. my favorite thing on hte blog is the shark week site.

  3. I REALLY WANT FUNBRAIN!! Its fun and it teaches you math. please!!!

  4. My favorite thing that is on the blog is the shark week.

  5. my faviorite activity is the one where you can make your own electical circuit

  6. my favorite website is the circuit website but i would like you to put up the shark week website again because i really like that website a lot!!!

  7. I like the sircet game now i how a sircet works thanks miss hayes

  8. please make shark week to a easiy thing to find

  9. my favorite activity is the circit website,that helped me alote.

  10. My favorite activity is probably circiut building. What I like about it is that you can build circiuts and see if it workes or not.
    By the way Ms. Hayes, you should check out the website

  11. Also i liked our squid video

  12. my favorite active is the game under math called fun games. it is that because the games help me under stand

  13. My favorite game on your blog is the circuit building one. The only problem is that if you use all of your five minutes, you can't go back on.

  14. Ms.Hayes i think you should put a fractions game or rounding game.Hope it will be on there!!

  15. My favorite thing on the blog is the game where you have to build an electrical circuit, but the bad thing about it is that you only get 5 min.

  16. My favorite game is the circuit game where you can build your own! I like it because you can be creative and make it your own1! What i think it is wierd that yiu only get 5 min.

  17. My favorite activity is the gizmo building circuts game that we did with Mr. Winkklemann's class. I liked it because it was fun and it helped me learn more about circuts. Even Haylee, who was the 5th grader that I was doing it with learned a lot more and now understands circuts a little bit more!

  18. i thank that you shoud post a game that you learn about ronding


    I like this site!
