Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Here we go...

Good Morning!

We have much to do today. This morning Mrs. Jones will be with you and I look forward to hearing her report. During RtI today you will have 3 choices. We will start RtI at 8:50 today.
Choice 1: Complete the Power Drill on the back table.
Choice 2: Read to Self (Book of your choice)
Choice 3: Read to Someone (must be a non-fiction book, must be with someone who does NOT have the same first letter initial as you)

Math Rotations will start at 9:20. You will need your rotation supplies. Today we will be talking about Measurement during rotations. In our room we will be talking about Area and Perimeter.

Today during Communication Arts you will be listening to the story Guji Guji. Which can be heard at  You will be working at finding the main idea and details in this story.

I'll see you this afternoon!

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