Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lightning, and Eggs and Electricity, Oh My!

We are getting ready for the PTA sponsored science fair, which be held Wednesday, May 18th @ 7:45 am. Students entry forms are due by May 2nd. Here are some websites to help us get ideas!





This years science fair is focusing on using the scientific process to complete a science expriment. Have you found an experiment that you like? If so what is it? Have you come up with a testable question? If so what is it?


  1. ithink the science fair will be very fun and the scientific proces is going to make it even better

  2. Well, i've found many awesome experements and i've thought of there testable questions. I'm still deciding. This years science fair will be great!

  3. I like the science fair becouse science is awesom!

  4. in this book i fond out that you can turn milk into a solid.

  5. theis websites will forshurely help me and the mad scientce book,thanks.

  6. i was thiking of the marshmleow one with the air

  7. Yes I have found a project. I want to do a science experiment on LEVITATION! My testable question is... Will the small ball have a shorter or longer time levitating if the air pressure is higher? I can't wait to test it out!

  8. I know what I'm doing for the science fair, I'm doing a project with Andrew and Christian. We are doing a project called if you put an egg in vinagear and water will the egg shell turn soft. I think it will be a soft project.

  9. i have found a science expiriment it is underwater fireworks.my testable question is will the food coloring spread faster in water or oil.

  10. I have found a really good science experiment that my partner might try. It involves making food with and without corn syrup.

  11. Those books that you gave me helped me for a sciens brogek that I am going to do.

  12. If I test other peoples fingerprints will they be the same? Will the whole famlies fingerprinnts be the same or will they be the same? Will I have the same as my family or not?

  13. I am going to do a experiment having to do with a circuit board my grandfather made for me. My testable is if i connect a C battery to the circuit board will lightbulbs light up and glow.

  14. I still have to think about a science progect on stars. May you please tell me a progect on stars, and thank you.

  15. thank for the book ms.hayes

  16. Janae and I dont know what we want to make for the Science Fair but we hae a few idea's.

  17. i havent found one yet but im still looking

  18. I found 2 realy interesting ideas:

    1. Keep It Cool= What insulater keeps ice cool the longest?

    2. [I made this one up] Shrimp and Chrystals= Which one grows faster?
