Monday, April 25, 2011

Billl Nye Fossil

What is a fossil? What did you learn that you didn't know before?


  1. I did not know that some dinosaurs can have feathers instead of scaly skin.

  2. i thought the video was great i learned a bunch of stuff. my favorite part was they showed us how to take fossils out of rocks.

  3. a frossi is a plant or anmal that has been here for millons of years and go into the ground i didn't there fancy names for frossis

  4. on the bill nye video i learned rocks that you wouldnt find that much.A fossil is something like a dead animail or dead plant that has been tracted over.

  5. the bill nye video told me lots of imformation a fossil is an organism that lived many years ago that has the hard parts like the spine have been traced in to a rock or put in to the rock i learned that there are many people that have a cool job working with many types of fossils!!!
    i hope learning about fossils will be amazing and i hope i learn tons of facts

  6. A fossil is a dead animal or plant that has been fossilized. I learned that tar can be used for fossilizeation, or whatever it is.

  7. Bill explains how to make afossl i want to learn how to make a fossl to.

  8. I learned that you have to be really careful when you unbarry a fossil because it could be really fragil, so thats why scientist dont use really heavy tools on fragil bones

  9. A Fosssil is a print or an animal that has turned into rock over time. Something that I learned was that with some fossils there are only one of that kind. I also learned that it take some people 2 Minuits and sometimes it takes them 200 hours to dig up a fossil. It Depends on how big it is. Those are some of the things I learned.

  10. A fossil is a dead plant or animal that gets left behind, sank in tar, or anything that gets left behind and trapped. One thing I learned about was that tar is an oily black liquid that boils and will make you sink to the bottom. You can relate tar to quicksand.

  11. At the end bill explains how to make your own fossil,this is how.
    Matirials,dead plant or animal,sand,volcantic ash,bowl,minarals,TIME TIME TIME
    How to,first get a bowl,than take your dead plant or animal and put it into the bowl,put sand and volcantik ash into the bowl with minarals,than give it about 10,0000 years or so.
    And that is how to make a fossil.

  12. A fossil is a print of a animals or something that was alive.

    I learned that the volcanoes ashes can make a fossil.

  13. A fossil is an animal of thing that once lived on earth. It has died and decomposed into rock, clay, tar, etc. I have learned that it takes a certain amount of years for a larger or smaller object to turn into a fossil.
