Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Classroom Connections

You may be wondering what is going on in Room 117 during the week of November 28th. Here's a peek at the reporting topics we're working on.

Math: This week we are working to write number expressions, as well as develop our understanding of the commutative, associative and distributive properties. Students have spent much time working on solving 2 by 2 digit problems, as well as long division and we continue to practice these skills daily with Super 6.
Click this link to view the 3.0 requirements:

Language Arts: This week we are working to identify problems and solutions, as they appear in text. We have also began to dabble with figurative language. Under the umbrella of figurative language we have talked about alliteration and idioms. We will continue to work with this kind of language, as the year approaches. Students will be writing book reviews and sending them to friends and posting them to a reading blog.

Click this link to view the 3.0 requirements:
Science: Our focus for the week is identifying solutions and mixtures. Students are also asked to identify the components of a solution. (Solute+Solvent=Solution). Students will be making mixtures and solutions later this week. We will also be talking about the word density, it's meaning and how it is used in science.

Click this link to view the 3.0 requirements:

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