Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Great Homework Debate

Today after reading the Time for Kids article "Rethinking Homework" we wrote responses. Take place in the poll Time for Kids is hosting at: Below feel free to post your thoughts on homework. Is there to much, is there not enough? What is your favorite homework you've ever had in school? This article was a great way for our students to practice their reading comprehension skills, while writing a persuasive piece.


  1. Cool voki. Plus I took the poll. Confused , but that is life.

  2. Someof us I guess like homework!!!!

  3. I think that we have the right amount of homework because some other people I know do sports like me so where probably are glad like me

  4. i chose just enough but i think their should be a choice like too little / too much but i think its cool how your vote and your voice matters i wander if we can vote for other things i hope we do

  5. I think out school has the perfect amount of homework because when we do have homework its about where we need to improve. I think my favorite homework assignment was in second grade when I got to make a map of my room!!

  6. i love the vote we did was allsome and there is to much that what they said in the world

  7. I chose to much because I hate homework.

  8. @ Mal. Which part was confusing? Hopefully we can clear up any confusions so that we understand!

  9. I think that how much homework you get depends on the teacher. in my thouight Ms. Hayes doesn't give that much homework. We actually practice in class so we don't have to do it at ome, but mabey oher classes don't practice that often in class so they have to do it at home.
    I don't really like homework but my favorit ewould hav ebeen when we had to read for a certain amount of time in second grade.

  10. Hi Ms. Hayes,
    I think it really depends on the teacher. I think it would be really helpful to give 2 or 3 pieces of homework every week. My favorite set of homework was the long division. I hope you have a great rest of the day. Your Student,
