Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12th

Today was a busy day in Room 117. This morning we worked hard to finish our Missouri research. Most of us have our research done and are ready to present tomorrow. All groups will try to  present their information tomorrow.

In reading this week we are working in small groups to identify reading skill that we need to work on. Each of your students has been put into a group. Today we focused on setting goals.

In math we continue to work with multiples and factors. Tomorrow we will be taking a review quiz (it might be a good idea to study math facts tonight!)  We have been playing multiple turnover this week to practice working with multiples and factors.

A friendly reminder that School Picture Day is Thursday.

p.s. If you have filled this information put in your planner you may pack your backpacks and line up at the door. If you can do that quietly we will play a round of my favorite game.

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