Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 28th

Conference Week!
I have really enjoyed meeting with all of the families during this week. I have an amazing classroom with amazing students and meeting the parents of these students makes it all make sense.

This week we built series circuits and tested a variety of conductors and insulators. Students brought in items from home to test. The students really enjoyed working with the different materials.

In Language Arts we continue to talk about asking questions to help develop our understanding. Please continue to read with your students and encourage to ask questions about the things that they are reading. This week we also talked about the moral of a story. As a class we read and listened to The Paper Bag Princess. Feel free to ask your students what the lesson of that story was! 

As you might have noticed there is not a lot of homework coming home. Students are encouraged to strengthen their skills by utilizing the links on our classroom blog. The Learning Links section has a variety of activities for each subject. Multiplication and division facts continue to be an important key to solving more complex mathematical concepts. Please encourage your students to check out the activities!

Over the last couple of weeks we have been VERY lucky to have dads come and participate in our career share. The students are really enjoying learning about different careers. I look forward to many more visits!

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