Friday, October 22, 2010

October 22

What an eventful week we have had! It was so nice to see some of you at Family Math Night last night! This week we focused on the skill of Questioning. Students have been asking questions about a variety of objects, including a new food. Ask them to tell you a little about Quinoa! Questioning is a great way to get students to start thinking about what they're reading.

In Social Studies this week students started a Missouri Rivers Project. Students will be working in pairs to complete a PowerPoint that shares information about Missouri's rivers. I look forward to sharing your students work with you!

Next week we will be focusing on Electricity and building a variety of circuits.

Because of our short week students will not be taking a spellinng test until Monday of next week.

Report cards are coming home today. Please look at your student's report card, sign their envelope and return it to school on Monday. Your student's conference time can be found on their grade card.

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