Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How Far Are You Willing To Go For A Book?

Today we listened to the story The Librarian of Basra. Can you summarize this story in one sentence? What does this story remind you of?


  1. Maggie and bradenMay 3, 2011 at 11:24 AM

    an old lady saving books in the war. Bradens reminds me is hallo Mine is thestory because of Winn Dixe Because of the libary

  2. Summary- There was a war in Iraq and there was also a librarian who wanted to save her books terribly.
    Emma's Memory- It reminds me of the war in Iraq
    Sean's Memory- It reminds me of the attack of 911

  3. Caden and AddisonMay 3, 2011 at 11:34 AM

    Summary: This story is about a librarian that will do anything to save the library books from burning in the war.
    Reminds me of: Cadens:This reminds me of the book librarian from the Black Lagon because he thinks that the librarian will eat all of his books but the librarian will save his books!
    Addisons: This reminds me of Mooji moving because the librarian in the story ask to move her books and Mooji had to move becasue the war in Iraq that was destroing everything including his house and belongings that he owned! :)

  4. The story The Libraian of Basra is about a libraian that trys to save her books during a war in Iraq. The word Basra reminds me of a place in Russia. Dakota said... my uncle fought in Basra that is in Iraq!

  5. In the book The Librarian of Basra the librarian tried to save her books from the Iraq war,and she saved her books just in time because her library burned down a few days later. We both enjoyed the book!
    2 of are connections that we made were...
    1: 9/11/2001-Becca said this.
    2: My 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Tahira. P.S. Janae said the second connection.
