Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Before we go to Jefferson City I am sure that there are a lot of things we are curious about. What do you want to see? What are you most excited to do? What are you nervous about?

p.s. Remember these questions are about Jefferson City, not about the bus ride!


  1. I can't wait for the animal scavenger hunt. I am curious about how the stuffed animal looks like.

  2. are we able to sit with miss.houlbs kids?

  3. how many animals will be in one cage.

  4. I want to see if jefferson City is going be fun because some 5th graders say it not fun.

  5. I want to go and see the capital the most and i am most excited about the runge center and i am nervous about seeing the debate

  6. I am really excited for the field trip, but i have some questions
    1. How long will we be at the nature thing
    2. How long will we be eating lunch
    3. Can you predict how many stairs there are in the captil
    4. Should we bring a water on the bus

  7. I want to see the turtle with stuff growing on it. I am super excited to go to the Capital.

  8. I want to see the capitl building.How big is it.

  9. is the nater center cool?

  10. Will we get to go inside the dome?

  11. I am excited to do the Runge Nature Center Scavenger Hunt, the Missouri Capitol Building, and seeing the General Assembly live. I really want to see one of the courts, and the Governer, Senate, and the House of Representatives.

  12. Avary, curious and excitedMay 11, 2011 at 12:37 PM

    I have a 2 questions.........
    When will we leave runge?
    Will you give us time to take pics when we arrive at the Capital Building?

    I AM SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. rung sar the kamld

  14. well iwant to see how jefferson city look like

  15. I am SUPER excited for Jefferson City! I really want to see all of the animals in the Nature Center. I'm nervous about getting lost in the Capital Building because I can get lost VERY easliy. Plus, I am nervous about getting to school on time. I'm REALLY excited about seeing the Capital. I bet Jefferson City will be SUPER fun!

  16. What I want to see is Runge. It's sounds like a fastinating place!
    What I'm nervous about is if I get to shcool on time.
    What I'm reaaly ecxited about is everything!

  17. I am nervous about getting lost because I do not want to get lost.
