Monday, May 23, 2011

How does the government get people what they need?

How does your government help you?

Click HERE to read about the different programs, benefits and loans that our U.S. government provides its citizens.  Once on the site, click on Government Benefits, Grants, and Financial Aid.

Post a comment on one way that our government helps citizens and how it helps


  1. One way that the government is trying to help is by trying to make our school meals more nutricious and healthy.

  2. The government helps with adoption by giving laws on how to adopt and who can adopt and what age you have to be.

  3. The government helps poeple many ways! We will tell you one way the government helps the people in America!
    One way the government helps is by giving people food stamps, if you dont know what food stamps are they are places where you can get food if you need food to help feed your family kind of like child support.

  4. The goverment helps with disaster assistance by giving the people money to pay for their homes or what else got destroyed.

  5. the goverment helps us be safe on the road by having police pull over drunk drivers.

  6. School lunch and breakfast

    Raising the health of our child by providing healthy meals in schools is a top priority.Obama Administration USAD annonced a proposed rule.

  7. The Government helps farmonership by helping out. I am sorry that this ending is shabby, but I had to hurray up.

  8. U.S. citezenship is required for most fedral jobs. Some agencies hire non- citezen through special hiring procedures.

  9. Harry Potter LoverMay 24, 2011 at 12:25 PM

    Disaster Assistance For Victims:
    Disaster assisitance for victums provides money for individuals, families, and buisnesses that has property destroyed and whose losses aren't coverd by insurance.
