Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What do YOU think?

This is a picture from Downtown KC today. When you see this picture what does it make you think? What kind of feelings go with this picture? What kind of a caption would you put under this picture?


  1. A caption i would leave under this picture would be that i think it looks like the start of a tornado.

  2. it look like a tornado.

  3. This makes me think of the night on percy jackson where the clouds are really dark and evil.

  4. It makes me think of tornado weather and how we had to take cover in the hallway. So we could be safe!

  5. The picture makes me scared that that could really happen where we are right now. The feeling makes me think of evil.If i had to put a captian it would be scary storm.

  6. It scares me for 3 reasons......
    1. It looks swirly like a tornado
    2.{the non scary one} It reminds me of the movie the Socereres Aprentice
    3. Looks alot like my biggest fear: the 2012 apocalipse

  7. down town kansas city looked all black. the tornado made it looked so creapy.It looked like the sky was going to pick them up.It was like covering down town.

  8. When I see this picture it makes me think about all the people that live and work down there, including my mom. The feelings that go with this picture for me are fright, sadness, and all the feelings in between. Under this picture I would put a caption saying, The sky is gloomy and people are down there, working, and even living in apartments! I would think about what it would be like to be them.

  9. Harry Potter loverMay 25, 2011 at 1:03 PM

    1. This looks unrealistic!

    2. Frightened

    3. This is a picture that happened on May 24TH 2011,in Tornado season.

    This picture reminds me of the Joplin tornado.

  10. I keic is tund wether and tund wond and i keic the pend gat het and is a start and pest

  11. It also looks like Tron. With the vortex opening!

  12. I don't think Mother Nature is a big fan of Missouri.
